Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Optimizing And Driving Traffic To Your Landing Pages

The employment of affiliates to drive traffic is an essential part of many online businesses. Affiliates out there are so busy, and working so hard to generate traffic, promoting your website, doing some SEO marketing, that you just leave it to the affiliates, and just pay more.

We’ve started to see in the CPA business people paying 150% commission, 200% commission. A well known one was Eben Pagan with his Double Your Dating book. I don’t know if he’s still doing it now, but for a while he has paying a $45 commission for a $20 sale. The reason he does that is his offer converts like crazy and he’s got all sorts of ways to make money on the back end. So I think people really need to look at their sales process no matter what they’re doing and make sure that their metrics are acceptable.

When people say, hey, what’s acceptable, I say, look at your competitors, see what they’re paying, see where they’re running, buy their product, go through their process and see what they do.

I break it down and find out how much that client is worth to me and then do a little bit of optimization to try and get more value out of that client and make sure that they’re all converting, so I ultimately pay more to acquire that customer. When you’re in the optimizing phase, a big part of it obviously has to do with the landing page.

Once I’ve figured out what my offer is and I’ve got a good product that I’m happy to promote, and proud of and adds value to someone’s life, that’s all a given. When I’ve got that, the next task is to actually build the landing page.

There are so many different variables that there is not really one that really clinches the deal so to speak. Stephen Mahaney and I have a little saying. He’s the guy that runs Planet Ocean, the search engine newsletter, and he said, there are ten things, and if you mess up one of them, you don’t make any sales. So if the headline’s great and the opening’s great and the bullets are great and the guarantee is great but the price is wrong, you don’t sell anything and vice versa.

Really what I like to do, I like to look at other people who are in my niche. I like to go to ClickBank or just the top advertisers in Google, Yahoo, Bing, MSN. I like to look at what their offers are and how they’re actually putting stuff together. Generally on the Marketing Letter website, I have a Marketing Letter website, I don’t have the exact address of this article, but I’m sure if you Google it, Marlon Sanders has done a How to Write Ad Copy. It’s a ten to fifteen page report and I still, to this day use that report to create my offers.

In terms of landing pages, I want to talk a little bit about the testing strategy that may also involve some search engine optimization techniques. One of the things that is really critical, is that no matter what you’re doing, you have what we call a sales process. The sales process basically looks at who the customer is and where they’re coming from. It creates what we like to call this contextually relevant, cohesive message. Rather than saying, write a good headline or test a bunch of landing pages, what I’ll tell you that has been so helpful for us, is looking at what you’re doing to generate traffic.

If you’re going to be generating traffic through SEO, make sure the page, Google does a good job of this anyway, make sure the page has on it information about the thing that they searched for. Learn some ways that webmasters should optimize their sites. If you’re going to be using paid media, a lot of these people didn’t come in through an affiliate, they didn’t come in through a recommended link. A lot of these people are new customers, and what they are, are strangers. With paid media, whether it be Google, whether it be banner ads, whether it be any other things, is you really have to warm them up.

The way that you warm them up is, you just talk to them in the fashion that they would want to be talked to. You give them the benefit that they want. Eben Pagan calls this moving the free line. What he’s done, he’s taken the free line, where something becomes from a paid product to a free product. He’s taken that paid product and he’s actually taken a mini version of it and he’s encapsulated the benefits and he gives that away for free. Right away when someone comes into his sales process, they get all warm and fuzzy and comfortable.

Listen To This Jonathan Mizel Interview To Learn More About Increasing Your Traffic. Visit: http://www.podcastinterviews.com

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